Jason Casebolt embraces the ideal of pro bono publico. Translated from latin, this means providing complimentary or reduced-fee legal service “for the public good.” In this regard, Mr. Casebolt performs pro bono service exclusively through bar association initiatives and through local nonprofit organizations. Mr. Casebolt also believes in strengthening the community through non-legal volunteerism and collaborates with other community organizations for a positive impact.

Individuals seeking information regarding programs for legal assistance, pro bono service, or community betterment are encouraged to view the following resources:

Legal Services for individuals with low-income: (Links)
King County Bar Association Pro Bono Services
Snohomish County Legal Services - Legal Aid Program

Legal Services for individual with moderate and other incomes: (Links)
Washington State Bar Association Moderate Means Program
Other Referral Services

Development Assistance for Business Owners: (Links)
Washington C.A.S.H.
Seattle Community Capital Development

Non-Legal Assistance for Children, Families, and the Community: (Links)
United Way of Snohomish County
United Way of King County

Famous Insight

"Pro Bono" - "Being, involving, or doing professional and legal work donated especially for the public good."
---- Merriam-Webster Dictionary

"Time and money spent helping men do more for themselves is far better than mere giving."
---- Henry Ford

"My passionate sense of social justice and social responsbility has always contrasted oddly with my profound lack of need for direct contact with other human beings and human communities."
---- Albert Einstein - The World As I See It